Das Gymnasium Muttenz bietet im Rahmen der Freifachkurse die Vorbereitung auf das Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) und das Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) an. Die Kurse beginnen anfangs der 3. Klasse, dauern ein Jahr und finden vierzehntäglich (eine Doppellektion) statt. Teilnahmeberichtigt an diesen Freifachkursen sind diejenigen Schülerinnen und Schüler, die beim ersten Treffen einen Eintrittstest bestehen. Je nach erreichter Punktezahl wird am Anfang des Kurses entschieden, ob der CAE- oder CPE-Kurs besucht werden sollte.
Wann finden die Advanced und Proficiency Prüfungen statt und was kosten sie?
Die Prüfungen finden am Ende der 3. Klasse statt und kosten je ca. Fr. 370.-, zuzüglich Unterrichtsmaterial von etwa Fr. 35.-.
Unsere Freifachkurs-Ausschreibung:
The Cambridge exams are the world’s leading range of certificates for learners of English. Each year they are taken by over 1.5 million people in 135 countries. The CAE and the CPE are recognised by the majority of British and a lot of American universities for English entrance requirements.
The Cambridge Certificate Courses are two intensive language training courses for the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), the second, and the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), the third and most advanced exam of the three widely known and taken international examinations offered by the University of Cambridge. We will meet in double lessons fortnightly during two semesters. Your examinations, which cost approx. Sfr. 370.-, will take place in Basel on two different days in May and June, right at the end of our one-year course. At our first meeting it will be decided whether you should join the CAE or the CPE course after an entry test.
Students who wish to participate should be highly motivated, fluent and prepared to work through sets of the five different exam papers (Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening and Speaking) of previous years: Apart from filling your specific language gaps in the lessons you will also have to work a lot at home; especially essay-writing and use of English will have to be trained extensively.
If you are not yet working at full capacity and love English, join us.
Kontaktperson: Anatol Kessler